This page helps you to ensure that NanoSpell is set-up correctly, de-bugs issues before they arise, and provides customized code samples.
This page needs to be running while you are connected to the internet. Please connect to the internet and re-run the test.
Your data is never sent to other servers, but we need to load jQuery and Bootstrap libraries from CDN servers to keep the installer package small and lightweight.
For this software to run, it needs to be located on a web server using http:// or https:// protocols.
Currently you are viewing this page using the file:// protocol. When your site is running on a web-server, testing server or localhost - please re-run this page.
Please select 1 of the 4 server languages which nanospell supports (in the tabs below to the left) - and read the personalized installation guide.
This option will instruct NanoSpell to use PHP to perform all of the TinyMCE spellchecking operations.
Use javascript code like this when initializing TinyMCE within your pages to add the spellchecker.
external_plugins: { "nanospell": "path/to/nanospell/plugin.js" },
Read more about NanoSpell settings and dictionaries
This option will instruct NanoSpell to use ASP.Net to perform all of the TinyMCE spellchecking operations.
Use javascript code like this when initializing TinyMCE within your pages to add the spellchecker.
external_plugins: { "nanospell": "path/to/nanospell/plugin.js" },
Read more about NanoSpell settings and dictionaries
This option will instruct NanoSpell to use Microsoft Active Server Pages to perform all of the TinyMCE spellchecking operations. If is an option for you - we always recommend over classic asp because it is a faster, more stable language.
Use javascript code like this when initializing TinyMCE within your pages to add the spellchecker.
external_plugins: { "nanospell": "path/to/nanospell/plugin.js" },
Read more about NanoSpell settings and dictionaries
To install this software on a Java based server we recommend installing the java-php bridge.
You may then use the "php" server language to run nanospell.